Acquisitions programme2018

barcelona gallery weekend

Fundació Vila Casas

Vicenç Viaplana

Solo Recording Sessions #2.4, 2017. Acrylic on screen printed paper. 110 x 152cm
Galeria Marc Domènech

barcelona gallery weekend

Fundació Vila Casas

Vicenç Viaplana

Solo Recording Sessions #1.14, 2017. Acrylic on screen printed paper. 110 x 152cm
Galeria Marc Domènech

barcelona gallery weekend

Blueproject Foundation

Marc Larré

origen - destino, 2018. Clay. 25 x 18 x 21 cm. Unique piece.

barcelona gallery weekend


Pietro Capogrosso

Blau Ataronjat, 2018. Oil on canvas. 77.5 x 64cm.
L&B Contemporary Art

barcelona gallery weekend


Teresa Solar

Todos sus ojos te miran, 2018. Bronze and brass on metal base. 110x25x20 cm & 100x25x20 cm
Galeria Joan Prats

For a second consecutive year, Barcelona Gallery Weekend presented an Acquisition Programme intended for foundations and private companies that will commit to acquire works exhibited at the participating galleries. 

We would like to thank the Blueproject Foundation a contemporary art foundation whose main objective is to offer a respectful and diverse view of international contemporary artistic creation, Cuatrecasas, and the Fundació Vila Casas a non-profit institution founded by Antoni Vila Casas in 1986 to promote Catalan contemporary art, for relying on this initiative one more year, and LA PLACE, the art space and artist residencies, for participating for their first time.