
  • A walk by...

  • Seven curators from the Barcelona scene will propose seven walks through Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2024's galleries, seven different strolls through the exhibitions from their unique perspective.

    The seven guide-texts by curators Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Valentín Roma and Patricia Sorroche will be available here in September.

  • BGW Familiar. Family visit to 'Scene', by Lúa Coderch

  • Sunday 22  and Saturday 28 September, from 12:30 o 1:15 pm
    Visit for families with children to the exhibition 'Scene' by the artist Lúa Coderch at àngels barcelona gallery.
    The visit will be lead by the artist, psychologist and mediator Diana Rangel, who will invite the participants to reflect on what they see through questions, games and other proposals.

    Recomended age: 7-14
    Pintor Fortuny, 27, Barcelona.
    Limited capacity. Free admission with previous registration:

  • BGW Familiar: Family visit to 'Agñipé', by Catalina León

  • Sunday 22 and Saturday 28 September, from 11:00 to 11:45am
    Visit for families with children to the exhibition 'Agñipé' by the artist Catalina León.
    The visit will be lead by the artist, psychologist and mediator Diana Rangel, who will invite the participants to reflect on what they see through questions, games and other proposals.

    Recomended age: 7-14
    Mayoral Contemporary: Consell de Cent, 286, Barcelona.
    Limited capacity. Free admission with previous registration: