Acquisitions programme2020

barcelona gallery weekend

DKV Seguros - Programa DKV Artèria

Virginia Rota

El mundo al principio, Claudia, 2018. Digital photograph. 100x67cm

barcelona gallery weekend

DKV Seguros - Programa DKV Artèria

Virginia Rota

El mundo al principio, Alejandro, 2018. Digital photograph. 100x67cm

barcelona gallery weekend

DKV Seguros - Programa DKV Artèria

Eulalia Rovira

The Eye's Speech –or was it the I Speech?, 2019. HD video, stereo sound, 17:15 min.

barcelona gallery weekend

DKV Seguros - Programa DKV Artèria

Anna Dot

Parleu! Que senti on sou! [¡Hablad! ¡Que sienta dónde estáis!], 2020. Ceramic installation
Bombon Projects

barcelona gallery weekend

Colección Manuel Expósito - VisualSign

Alejandro Monge

Holidays in Panama, 2019. Resina de polièster policromada, paper i llapis. 28x34x29 cm
3 Punts Galeria

barcelona gallery weekend

Colección Manuel Expósito - VisualSign


OKUDOGRAPHY II, 2015. Mixed media. 40cm diam.
3 Punts Galeria

barcelona gallery weekend

Fundació Vila Casas

Anna Dot

El plor, 2020. Multiple installation of glass teardrops.
Bombon Projects

barcelona gallery weekend

Utopicus ART

Pere Llobera

Lluita contra el mar, 2019. Digital print on Hahnemühle paper 31 x 46 cm
Bombon Projects

barcelona gallery weekend

Utopicus ART

Lucía C. Pino

FFFMM / 1, 2020. Ferro treballat en forn i teixit de poliuretà. 70 x 42 cm

barcelona gallery weekend

Utopicus ART

Violeta Mayoral

Set of 8 photographs, 2018/2019. InkJet Print on Hahnemühle paper, various sizes.

barcelona gallery weekend

Utopicus ART

Mercedes Azpilicueta

Bestiario de Lengüitas, 2018. Ink on paper. 45,2 x 30,5 cm

barcelona gallery weekend

Utopicus ART

Mar Arza

Suertes (Sagan), 2020. Period, end of chapter. Land of labor by Françoise Sagan. 75,7 x 58,8 cm

The Acquisitions Program is aimed at foundations and private companies that undertake to incorporate works from among those exhibited in the participating galleries into their collections.

This program contributes to boost the art market in Barcelona and its metropolitan area, and therefore the relationship between collectors and galleries, essential agents in the promotion of the artists represented.
In the 2020 edition, the Acquisitions Program has once again counted on the participation of the Fundació Vila Casas, an institution dedicated to contemporary Catalan art with four exhibition spaces in Catalonia, which has remained faithful to this initiative since the first edition, and the Utopicus ART collection, which has trusted the program for the second consecutive year.

In addition, DKV Seguros has joined for the first time through the DKV Artèria Program and the Manuel Expósito - VisualSign Collection, an eclectic journey through artists from the 1950s to the present day that began in 1995 and is completed with works of pop art, street art, hyperrealism and conceptual art with a critical nature, currently focusing on young national artists.

The four entities have freely chosen the works without limitation of value and in direct relation with the galleries. The 13 works acquired through the Acquisitions Program belong to the following artists: Mar Arza, Mercedes Azpilicueta, Lucía C. Pino, Anna Dot, Pere Llobera, Violeta Mayoral, Alejandro Monge, Okuda, Virginia Rota and Eulàlia Rovira.