
  • A walk by curator Xavier Acarín

  • Xavier Acarín Wieland is a curator and teacher. His projects and exhibitions have been presented at Elastic City, The Abrons Arts Center, Knockdown Center, Wendy's Subway, PS122 Gallery in New York, La Ira de Dios in Buenos Aires, HIAP and Muu Gallery in Helsinki and at the Fundación Mies van der Rohe, Caixaforum and Galería ADN in Barcelona, among others. He is co-author of four books Dear Helen (CCS Bard, 2014), Experience Design (Bloomsbury, 2014), Ante la Imagen (Comanegra, 2016) and Itziar Barrio (Skira, 2024). He is currently a teacher at EINA and a PhD student at Goldsmiths. 

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September.

  • A walk by curator David Armengol: The Work of the Illustrator

  • David Armengol (Barcelona, 1974) is an exhibition curator, and since 2021 is in charge of the artistic direction of La Capella in Barcelona, a centre dedicated to emerging art and defined through an open call for the production of projects. As a curator, he has worked in Caixaforum Barcelona, Matadero Madrid, the Centre d'Art La Panera in Lleida and the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona. In 2019, he was co-curator of the Uruguay Pavilion at the 58th edition of the Venice Biennale. In 2021, he published the book Arte emergente: la cosecha y el viaje, a possible radiography of emerging art in Catalonia between the 1990s and the present day.

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September. 

  • A walk by curator Cèlia del Diego: The issue of bearing witness

  • Cèlia del Diego is Head of Institutional Relations at MACBA. She has been director of the Centre d'Art la Panera in Lleida and of the CA Tarragona Centre d'Art, artistic director of the Capella de Sant Roc and of the Projecte Lumens. Decennals d'art contemporani del Museu de Valls. She has participated in the acquisitions committee of the National Collection of Contemporary Art of Catalonia. She has coordinated ArtsLibris in Barcelona and ARCOmadrid, and has been associate director at the Galeria Toni Tàpies in Barcelona.

    Art critic and curator, she is deputy director of Artiga. Revista de pensament i art contemporani. She has been president of the Associació Catalana de Crítica d'Art, and is a member of the International Association of Art Critics and the Asociación de Directoras y Directores de Arte Cotemporáneo en España. She has carried out projects at La Casa Encendida (Madrid), Palazzo della Frumentaria (Sàsser), CaixaForum (Tarragona, Lleida and Palma), Mataró Art Contemporani, Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona), Lo Pati Centre d'Art Terres de l'Ebre and the Bòlit Centre d'Art Contemporani (Girona).

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September. 

  • A walk by curator Carles Guerra: Plot Twists: Five Exhibitions

  • Carles Guerra (Amposta, 1965) is a researcher, independent curator, associate professor at the Pompeu Fabra University and member of the Collège de photographie et images animées Cnap Centre national d'arts plastiques (França). During the year 2023 he has been appointed Inaugural Visiting Professor in Catalan Studies by the New York University and the Ramon Llull Institute. Previously he was guest professor at the Center for Curatorial Studies Bard College and other international centers.

    He has been director of the Primavera Fotogràfica de Catalunya (2004), director of the Virreina Centre de la Image (2009-2011), curator of the Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona MACBA (2011-2013), executive director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies (2015-2020) and artistic director of the Museu de l'Art Prohibit (since 2023).

    His latest research project has addressed the figure of the Catalan psychiatrist Francesc Tosquelles. This project has been exhibited at Musée Les Abattoirs, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona CCCB, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía MNCARS and The American Folk Art Museum AFAM in New York, under the title Tosquelles. Like a sewing machine in a wheat field.

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September.

  • A walk by curator Sofia Lemos: Images beyond Imagination and the Imaginery

  • Sofia Lemos is a curator and writer. Her research interests lie at the intersection of art, metaphysics, and ecology, through a distinctive approach to public programs and exhibitions as mediums for collaborative knowledge-production. Between 2021 and 2024, she was Curator at TBA21–Academy, where she led the research fellowship Meandering dedicated to art and ecology. From 2018–21, she was Curator of Public Programmes and Research at Nottingham Contemporary, where she initiated its live programs and mobilized the multi-year research project Sonic Continuum with multiple academic partners. In 2020, she was Associate Curator at the 2nd Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art¬¬–RIBOCA. Previously, she curated performances, symposia, and exhibitions with Fraeme, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, David Roberts Art Foundation, and collaborated with Contour biennale 8, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, PRAXES, and Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona, among others. She is the editor of Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics (Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2024), Sonic Continuum: On the Sound and Poetics of Time (Nottingham: The Contemporary Journal, 2021), and the reader Metabolic Rifts (Berlin: Anagram, 2019) with Alexandra Balona. Lemos regularly lectures and contributes writing to publications, monographs, and exhibition catalogs.

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September. 

  • A walk by curator Patricia Sorroche

  • Patricia Sorroche (Barcelona, 1980) holds a degree in Humanities from the Pompeu Fabra University (2002); a Master's degree in Museography and Cultural Heritage Management from the University of Barcelona (2004) and a postgraduate degree in Contemporary Art Aesthetics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2005); and an Expert in Cultural Heritage from the UDIMA, Universidad a distancia de Madrid (2018).

    In 2024 she joined the Museu Tàpies team as the new head of exhibitions. Previously, she worked since 2004 at MACBA, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, managing the Permanent Collection, since Registry; and since 2019 also as assistant curator of the MACBA Collection. She has also worked at the Musée du Louvre, 2008-2009.

    She has been a guest lecturer since 2020 on the Master's Degree in Cultural Management at the International University of Catalonia. She has participated in seminars and classes at other universities. She has been part of the Art and Memory group of the MAR/Alzar project organised by the MNCARS. She is currently a member of the GOAP think tank promoted by the Department of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. In 2021 she is co-founder of the curatorial group LaOtra.

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view. The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September.  

  • A walk by curator Linda Valdés: News from Somewhere

  • Linda Valdés works in the field of artistic practices from different areas such as research, curating and teaching, sometimes from collective platforms, developing projects with an emphasis on reflection on formats and ways of making linked to content. She is a founding member of the research platform Equipo re, where she works on the intersection of body politics and archive politics. During 2023 she has been resident at the ADKDW in Cologne. She has recently developed the seminar "Imaginación Política. Futurar" in the study programme "Tejidos Conjuntivos" at the Museo Reina Sofía (2023-2024). She has curated exhibitions at MACBA, Barcelona; Conde Duque, Madrid; Tabakalera, San Sebastián and CAC de Quito, Ecuador.

    Seven curators propose seven walks through the galleries participating in BGW2024 from their particular points of view.
    The seven guide-texts by Xavier Acarín, David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego, Carles Guerra, Sofia Lemos, Patricia Sorroche and Linda Valdés will be available here in September. 

  • BGW Familiar. Family visit to 'Scene', by Lúa Coderch

  • Sunday 22  and Saturday 28 September, from 12:30 o 1:15 pm
    Visit for families with children to the exhibition 'Scene' by the artist Lúa Coderch at àngels barcelona gallery.
    The visit will be lead by the artist, psychologist and mediator Diana Rangel, who will invite the participants to reflect on what they see through questions, games and other proposals.

    Recomended age: 7-14
    Pintor Fortuny, 27, Barcelona.
    Limited capacity. Free admission with previous registration:

  • BGW Familiar: Family visit to 'Agñipé', by Catalina León

  • Sunday 22 and Saturday 28 September, from 11:00 to 11:45am
    Visit for families with children to the exhibition 'Agñipé' by the artist Catalina León.
    The visit will be lead by the artist, psychologist and mediator Diana Rangel, who will invite the participants to reflect on what they see through questions, games and other proposals.

    Recomended age: 7-14
    Mayoral: Consell de Cent, 286, Barcelona.
    Limited capacity. Free admission with previous registration: